George Georgescu. Bach Cello Suites. EMA Vinci classica 40072 Released 2018.
Cello played is by Gennaro Gagliano dating from 1732.
Significantly, no information provided regards recording venue or date of recording.
The cellist.
Georgescu is Italian of Romanian origin. At the date of release, he is principal cellist of the Orchestra del Maggio Musicale in Florence, his adopted residence. Currently, most of his activities appear based in Italy.
The Recording.
Interestingly this recording extends to three CDs which is welcome. It avoids non Red Book specification CDs where the tempos are slow. In this case they are very slow! The style of playing is very much that of the 80s. This means plenty of vibrato, rubato and emphasis of lower notes. The tone is somewhat nasal and pinched. The acoustic seems quite dry but with lingering echo at the end of movements.
The performance.
Although this rendition is not without its merits, I have to report that in my opinion it falls significantly short of the very high standard of playing I have come to expect. Having listened carefully to about 75 different recordings I do feel qualified to draw that conclusion. Although I detect musical phrasing and sensitivity with light and shade, there are obvious technical limitations in terms of intonation, and articulation. Cross string passages are uneven witness the first Prelude, and sadly, the whole performance lacks finesse.
With regret, I cannot recommend this recording.