Enrico Dindo. The Bach Cello Suites Decca 4764226.
Venue of the recording in 2010 is the auditorium of the Chiesa di San Cristoforo Piacenza
General comments of the recording.
There is a significant echo as befits the venue of the recording which enhances the polyphonic nature of this music and aids the fugal passages. It does slightly blur the more rapid notes of some Courantes. The cello is closely miked and the artists breathing is prominent in quieter sections.
The Music.
Overall, I feel that this is a lovely rendering of the suites, with unforced delicate but rhythmic playing throughout. Dindo avoids the temptation to approach the grander movements with the machismo of some, and choses to lightly trip over a lot of the music with poise and rhythm, picking out the motifs of the various dances. There is rubato, but the overall shape and sense of direction is never lost.
His style is somewhat like the Brownlee brothers running, seemingly effortless but technically of a very high standard. The notes are drawn out not gouged and he tends to articulate notes separately as opposed to slurring them together.
In the notes accompanying the cd, Dindo himself informs that he has chosen to play in a Baroque style on a contemporary cello but with modern set up i.e. metal strings and classical bow. This works very well for me.
Dindo plays the Sarabandes, particularly that of the 5thSuite very quietly and slowly emphasising their delicate nature. There is no undue emphasis of the chords and double stopping.
I observe from the videos available that the performer tends to play a lot with bow over the finger board. Here and elsewhere Dindo separates the chords precisely, instead of flourishing intrusively. Very refined I feel and appropriate to the music style itself. There is humour as well in the 4thSuite with the 2ndBourree having a very rustic simple rapid pace as opposed to the usual heavy slow delivery of other renditions somewhat like a clog dance but still light.
In summary a very satisfying and emotive rendering of the suites, from a less well known performer in the UK. I fully recommend it to you.